Understanding the permission setting in the ACL is crucial for administrating file servers especially for controlled shared folders.
Understanding Windows Server 2008 File and Folder Ownership and Permissions
The ACL GUI is separated into basic permission (the top half of the GUI) and special permission (advanced mode). Basic permissions are actually built up from special permissions, giving a convenient way for users to assign permission without having to go thru the full list of special permissions.
Basic Permissions for folders
Full Control : Permission to read, write, change and delete files and sub-folders.
Modify : Permission to read and write to files in the folder, and to delete current folder.
List Folder Contents : Permission to obtain listing of files and folders and to execute files.
Read and Execute : Permission to list files and folders and to execute files.
Read : Permission to list files and folders.
Write : Permission to create new files and folders within selected folder.
The following table outlines the basic file permissions:
Full Control : Permission to read, write, change and delete the file.
Modify : Permission to read and write to and delete the file.
Read and Execute : Permission to view file contents and execute file.
Read : Permission to view the files contents.
Write : Permission to write to the file.
Special Permissions
Traverse folder / execute file : Allows access to folder regardless of whether access is provided to data in folder. Allows execution of a file.
List folder / read data : Traverse folder option provides permission to view file and folder names. Read data allows contents of files to be viewed.
Read attributes : Allows read-only access to the basic attributes of a file or folder.
Read extended attributes : Allows read-only access to extended attributes of a file.
Create files / write data : Create files option allows the creation or placement (via move or copy) of files in a folder. Write data allows data in a file to be overwritten (does not permit appending of data).
Create folders / append data : Create folders option allows creation of sub-folders in current folder. Append data allows data to be appended to an existing file (file may not be overwritten)
Write attributes : Allows the basic attributes of a file or folder to be changed.
Write extended attributes : Allows extended attributes of of a file to be changed.
Delete subfolders and files : Provides permission to delete any files or sub-folders contained in a folder.
Delete : Allows a file or folder to be deleted. When deleting a folder, the user or group must have permission to delete any sub-folders or files contained therein.
Read permissions : Provides read access to both basic and special permissions of files and folders.
Change permissions : Allows basic and special permissions of a file or folder to be changed.
Take ownership : Allows user to take ownership of a file or folder.
Before starting to modify the permission, you might want to stop inheriting ACL from the parent folders. Under advanced > change permission, uncheck "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent"
So in general,
For read only users, you will assign - List folders content, Read and Execute, Read.
For read and write users - List folders content, Read and Execute, Read, Write.
For administrators - Full control.
You can also use command line to modify the permission.
ICACLS - command line to configure ACL
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