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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cloud Computing : The next gen of computing industries infrastructure.

Cloud Computing has been around since 2007 and it's becoming more and more of a hot topic, just like how virtualization has infiltrated the industry. Exactly what is Cloud Computing?

From my understanding, Cloud Computing is an initiative, the idea to change the currently "Device Metric" computing infrastructure, into a "User, App, Service Metric" infrastructure.

In current industry, when a new service / application is required by the organization, a normal workflow which includes quotation for hardwares and apps, the design of network layout, security metrics, backup design, Disaster Recovery design and High Availability design. All and all, the project is still driven by devices, where each project will actually have their own hardwares / devices.

With the introduction of virtualization, industry is starting to change whereas hardwares are utilized more efficiently, and it offers scalability and flexibility for apps and services. At the same time, DR and HA options has become an easier approach with the help of virtualization. The segregation of "Devices" is becoming ambiguous.

With Cloud Computing, the idea is to run the IT in the organisation as a service provider. By using virtualization, the whole underlying hardwares can be seen as a giant pool of resources which provides flexibility and high availability. Apps and services can be provisioned for new requirements as soon as the approval is completed by the Managers. The workflow to acquire a quotation and table the pricing to the users is no longer required, instead, a chargeback system is used to calculate the amount of resources the users are using. (e.g. storage, CPU, backup, etc)

The giant resource pool, this is what we call a "Cloud".

Cloud can also be ran externally, where apps and services are hosted on vendors premises. Organisation can still have their own management and control over the apps and services as if the machines resides in their own premises. The main advantage of this is the provision and expansion of your organisation services to strategic locations, without having to setup a new premises with its own hardwares, much like how global services (google, facebook, msn..) works.

This is what we call a "Public Cloud"

VMware Cloud Computing
Private Cloud Computing intro
Cool demonstration on how automation and virtualization helps to provide a consistent level of service
VMware president and CEO, Paul Maritz, talks about the Cloud and VCloud initiative
VCloud Blog

I believe the biggest challenge for IT managers going forward to Cloud computing is the justification for the initial setup and the cost of restructuring the IT organisation.

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