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Friday, September 3, 2010

New era of cloud computing

Sept 1st. VMware officially announced vCloud Director, the core engine in enabling customers to build private cloud and subsequently, works towards public cloud infrastructure.

What vCloud Director essentially does is providing the workflow engine to automate and manage datacenter resources into pools of flexible and scalable resources. At the same time providing these pools as on-demand, SLA guaranteed resources to Business users, which they can self-provision thru self-service portal.

End result = transform internal IT department -> private IAAS hosting provider.

Benefits =
1. Readily, on-demand resources. -> Increased agility, flexibility and efficiency of IT resources
2. Self-service portal combined with Chargeback system for business users.
3. SLA guaranteed thru High Availability features.
4. Automated provisioning workflow -> reduce TCO
5. Stepping stone in enabling enterprises to leverage on Cloud Services which will be the next Gen computing.
6. Help customers to eliminate floor space or Geographic boundaries concerns -> Help to reach out to new set of customers (with limited floor space, lots of remote branches, global operations that requires great flexibility in IT provisioning)

These are some of the products that focuses on the Cloud, announced during VMWorld 2010
The hottest virtualization products at VMworld
Eight great virtual appliances for VMware, free for the downloading

Alot more products are coming out from VMware. Including Application Platform, Networking, Cloud-wide Authentication, Virtual Appliance for Cloud... etc.

With Virtualization -> the crucial part are Network and Storage.

With Cloud -> the crucial part are Network, Storage and Security.

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